Underwriting and Claims Handling

EMANIs current portfolio is principally based on property damage cover, but our underwriting team is always looking for new ways to support the needs of our Members.  Recent products include cover for Decommissioning risks and NCBR Terrorism attacks.


Increasingly EMANI acts as a leading underwriter bringing the advantages of a comprehensive insurance cover and competitive pricing to the Members. If requested to do so by a Member, EMANI can also act as a coinsurer in partnership with the national insurance pools or another insurer.


In the event of a claim, where EMANI acts as leading underwriter, the loss settlement shall be done in cooperation with an independent loss adjuster.  In cases where EMANI acts as a coinsurer, EMANI will generally follow the recommendations and assessment made by the loss adjustor appointed by the lead underwriter, however in certain cases, the Management will decide whether EMANI should appoint independent adjustors or additional expert advice. 


Article 26 of the Articles of Association provides for additional contributions from Members if required to meet claims.